Tag: winter

  • Well, that was cold

    Well, that was cold

    Beijing hit -20C this past week in what was said to be the coldest day so far this winter. It doesn’t help that Beijing is notoriously a windy city and that, unlike cities like Winnipeg or other “cold” places, there is always a slight wind that robs you of your warmth. Sure, the barometer might…

  • There will be snow

    The weather has turned colder and the air is noticeably more smoggy than a month ago. Not only are the coal power plants up and running, but farmers are also burning their straw which gives Beijing that “bonfire” smell, and all the associated respiratory problems. So not only have I bought a new face mask to…

  • Winter is coming, and yet the mosquitos are still here

    I originally had planned to publish this at the end of last month just so I could see a “2” next to October in my archive’s drop down list but, sadly, it did not happen. Surprisingly enough, I’ve been at this for seven and a half years. 2017 will mark the eighth year of my “blogging” (if…

  • Winter Vacation Has Begun

    Despite having more “free time” since exams finished two weeks ago, I’ve actually been quite busy. Last week I ventured off to the North of China to Haerbin to see the snow and ice festival and a couple other cities for about a week all in. And wow, was it cold. And I say that as a…
