Tag: toronto

  • Summer Begins (with a rather botched attempt to catch a flight)

    My apologies for the delay in posting this update of the life and times of some English teacher in China, but when I last tried to put up a post, I realized I had completely forgotten my password! I recall back in the day when we were told to never write down or mention our password to anybody, not…

  • Toronto, Canada: TIFF, TUF and the TSX

    I don’t think I’ve ever written about Toronto before, despite having been there a few times since beginning my near-constant wanderings five years ago. This time, however, there were a couple of things I wanted to see: the Toronto International Film Festival, regarded as one of the premiere film events in the world of cinema,…

  • Happy Canada Day!!

    Happy Canada Day!!

    Happy Canada Day folks! I wanted to make a quick post to wish Canadians and Canada a Happy Canada Day! Travelling has made me appreciate where I was born: Canada. Canada is a great country. Sometimes I forget what Canada stands for, and I hope continues to stand for. Not just gorgeous scenery but FREEDOM.…
