Tag: Shenyang

  • Notes on a flight from Beijing to Shenyang

    Notes on a flight from Beijing to Shenyang

    Flying isn’t like other modes of transportation as it involves substantially more preparation and security, particularly in the airport. It is said if you’re going to travel, do so on the ground. Well, my new job has me taking trains and planes quite bit so I figured I’d keep track of what happened on one…

  • Winter Vacation Has Ended

    So I’m back in Beijing with yet another winter vacation behind me and a few more citiesĀ in China covered. This vacation was basically divided into three or four parts: Northeastern China (Shenyang, Harbin / Harbin, and Dalian), Beijing (my parents decided to come visit me this year), Middle China (Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou) and then South…
