Tag: music writing

  • Jamuary 24, 2021 – Cm7 – Piano Variations on Cm7

    Jamuary 24, 2021 – Cm7 – Piano Variations on Cm7

    Another learning experience today as I had to study up on what the Cm7 was and how to use it. And then I tinkered away with it and did several runs up and down the octaves and this is what came out: The Cm7 is four notes played together: C Eb G and Bb, it…

  • Jamuary 11, 2021 – Hand Claps

    Jamuary 11, 2021 – Hand Claps

    This one was supposed to be easy and, to an extent, it was. However, There were many times I tried overcomplicating what should’ve been a straight ahead track. Today’s challenge was to utilize only claps and clapping, which seemed simple enough given my percussion background. Not only that, but I’ve toyed around with these sounds…

  • Jamuary 10, 2021 – A cappella – Baroom

    Jamuary 10, 2021 – A cappella – Baroom

    Today’s track is another melody that has been bouncing around in my head for a while but I’ve never committed to it. Today I did. Today’s challenge was “A cappella” which is normally at least a gorup of people using only their voices. Now, to me, that sounds like beat boxing by another name, as…

  • Jamuary 9, 2021 – Long Pauses – A long way from where I was born

    Jamuary 9, 2021 – Long Pauses – A long way from where I was born

    I’m a little bit proud of this track as it came together quite easily. Long pauses.  My first thought was to use Ancient Greek musical fragments as those were chock full of long pauses, mostly due to their fragmentary nature. (There are some folks who have tried to reconstruct those sounds with some success.) But,…

  • Jamuary: A culmination of a series of successes and failures

    Jamuary: A culmination of a series of successes and failures

    I have never really considered myself a song writer though I have always said I’m a drummer and percussionist. Even then, when I refer to myself as a “percussionist”, I’m not saying I could play in an ensemble or orchestra, rather, I’m willing to make sounds and “music” by hitting things. This sits on the…
