Tag: music production

  • Jamuary 3, 2021: 200 BPM

    Jamuary 3, 2021: 200 BPM

    Alright this one took longer than I wanted it to and there are still one or two spots that I’d like to fix if I have the chance. But, given the deadline I’ve put on myself, I want this done by 12 midnight, which means just publish the damn thing. So here it is: For…

  • Jamuary: Jan 1, 5.33 PM – Hands on a table

    Jamuary: Jan 1, 5.33 PM – Hands on a table

    Here it is! First track of January 2021 for #Jamuary2021! I recorded this as I was writing up my introductory post on the whole challenge I’ve set for myself this January. I’ve left the title as is because I think it appropriately identifies both what the song is and how it was made. According to…

  • SSP11 – Singer-Songwriter Steve Blaque

    SSP11 – Singer-Songwriter Steve Blaque

    Recorded on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at Forbidden City Studios in Beijing, China. This week’s episode features my first guest! Former colleague and good friend Steve Blaque has been in China for nearly 20 years. A singer songwriter and recently and now retired, he agreed to sit down with me for a rather lengthy conversation…
