Tag: Jamuary 2021

  • Jamuary 22, 2021 – Two Chords – Water

    Jamuary 22, 2021 – Two Chords – Water

    My workflow seems to be changing from the evening time to the morning. Today is another instrumental though I was thinking about lyrics I could put over top of it at some point. Have a listen: Today’s challenge was to only use two chords. Famous songs that use only two chords include Bruce Springsteen’s “Born…

  • Jamuary 21, 2021 – 1-4-5 – Counting counting

    Jamuary 21, 2021 – 1-4-5 – Counting counting

    Late but not missed! I’ll publish this one on Winnipeg time as I fell asleep last night and didn’t wake up until 11.30pm. At that point it was better to simply go back to bed and attack this one in the morning rather than try to force it through for a midnight deadline. Here it…

  • Jamuary 20, 2021 – Made up words – Iskis Gallickgus

    Jamuary 20, 2021 – Made up words – Iskis Gallickgus

    This one was fun. Iskis Gallickgus! So, if you don’t know by now, I have a bit of training in different languages. Though I’m sadly only really fluent in English, I’ve learned enough in other languages (I’m working on Mandarin Chinese right now) to understand phonemes and word construction, that is, how words sound and…

  • Jamuary 19, 2021 – Someone Else’s Voice – Beijing Knife Sharpener

    Jamuary 19, 2021 – Someone Else’s Voice – Beijing Knife Sharpener

    For this one I had no inspiration. I thought I’d approach it the “normal” way of recording a track: lay down some drums, then some guitar or piano, and then do a spoken track over top as a start. And since today’s challenge was to use “someone else’s voice”, or something to that effect. I…

  • Jamuary: What I’ve learned so far

    Jamuary: What I’ve learned so far

    A few weeks back I wrote a song of sorts instructing to “just get it done”. That song killed two birds with one stone: not only did I meet that day’s challenge requirements, it was something that I know I need to hear every now and then. One of the big problems with being a…
