Tag: dauphin

  • Still up here on the farm

    Still busy as ever up here on the farm. We’re done the major work with the seeding program so that’s good to be finished, now it’s time to spray the seedlings for insects and weeds. For me, my days start at 9 am and don’t finish until 8 pm or so. “Wow, late start!” you…

  • Seasonal Work on the Farm

    Seasonal Work on the Farm

    It’s been a while since I last posted so I figured I’d write up a little update on what’s going on. I am in the middle of writing up my Ukraine experience but, since I’m back in Canada now, I’ve become a seasonal worker on a farm. I’ve worked on my uncle’s farm before but…

  • A Day and Night in Dauphin, Manitoba

    A Day and Night in Dauphin, Manitoba

    …followed by a Halloween in Grandview, Home to the Country Music Festival the Canadian National Ukrainian Festival, I’ve been visiting Dauphin ever since I was born, mainly to visit my grandmother and cousins. It was only recently, however, that was able to experience the city for an extended period of time on my own. I’ve…

  • My Life on the Farm

    My Life on the Farm

    I recently returned from a five week stint as a farm hand. Located just outside of Dauphin, Manitoba, it’s one of those towns where everybody knows everybody. It’s also a farming community. The main purpose of my visit was to work on my uncle’s farm and maybe to learn about farming, which just so happens…
