SSAB – September 1 2021
It’s September! Yey! Coming up to another year around the sun. One of my big accomplishments of this year is seeing some shape around the mid section, and the good shape, not the shape you’re probably thinking.
The Big News is when is Universal’s Park going to open in Beijing? Apparently later in September. Doesn’t matter to me, it’s going to be expensive and I’ve never really gone to these places before.
Guessing that my Chinese reading Level is at about a grade 6 or 7 now. Reading through one comic book I bought years ago, Kwai Boo. You’d probably recognize the face but may not know the name. I bought it as a method of practicing some easier Chinese but, I can’t help but think, it’s a little silly.
First, I don’t really read comic books in English, I just don’t see the value in them. Second, the point of learning another language isn’t to read things I have little use for. Rather, I want to know how I can use the language to find out something that I may not be able to find out in English.
Might be busy on the weekends in September so we’ll see if I can get any podcast recording done.
Been playing around with the website lately. I need to make it simpler and easier to navigate.
Hope your week is going well.
SSAB – September 2 2021
Out and about since I gotta let me apartment dry out. Had some cleaners come in and… well, may need to find another. $60 for an hour?
Met another guy who is working at the Universal Studios lot here in Beijing. Departure will be later this month. The park is set to open later this month and I’ve seen the prices. Never been before and I’m saying I have no interest in going. I’d honestly rather travel throughout the country than go to the park but… that may change.
Not much language studies done today as I had cleaners come over. Spent the morning working on Chinese characters and some Russian grammar. Gotta keep it up.
Cut short cause I gotta walk and dodge traffic!
SSAB – September 3 2021
A free medical check up means this morning was spent navigating a Chinese hospital in broken English and Chinese! I can’t remember how complete checkups are done in Canada, all in one place or all over the place? This hospital was very organized and had very little useless chatter.
It’s Friday, probably your end of week but I work tomorrow. Not too much going on these days!
Have a great weekend!
SSAB – September 6 2021
Labour Day in Canada, just another work day in China. Getting cooler though.
Mid-Autumn Fest coming up, time to eat Moon Cakes. Starbucks’ hit or miss attempts at the dessert. The chocolate one, coffee, matcha, and the red one are good. The meat flavour? #FAIL Expensive, wouldn’t buy, nor would anyone unless giving it as a gift because they are EXPENSIVE.
Got a haircut, what’s it like? A digression on getting a haircut in Beijing, China. Mobe and other chain stores in Beijing. Use clippers to get it done nice n quick. I go to a foreigner, AHMED EXCELLENCE, cause he understands how to trim a beard. I requested he only use scissors, it looks better, my hair grows out weird on one side. (I think.) You won’t believe the cost, MUCH more expensive than Five Dollar Phil in #Winnipeg.
Were you able to check out the FULL WEEK’s worth of Episodes? Love my voice?
Have a great week!
SSAB – September 7 2021
Sweater weather for a month.
Former Chinese teacher is now in Cambodia living the dream of working online and living overseas!
Chinese studies included: 20 min characters, 15-20 min concentrated listening, 30 min class notes write out, 25 min reading, 25 min reading out loud.
Got some blog posts updated for May You Make Your Movie. Was finally able to clean up a few files from here and there.
How often do you clean up your desktop or your phone? This is one of the things I was hoping to use Python for but the problem is that a lot of my organizing requires the renaming of Screenshots and then putting them into an appropriate folder. For example, the Screenshots of projects or close ups. New phone allows me to hold so much I don’t have to think about it too much.
Was working on a soundtrack on the weekend, nothing really solid but popped out a rough track. Have a listen. Playing around with the Garageband sampler.
Verenhiky and kubasa for dinner.
Hope you’re well and healthy!
SSAB – September 8 2021
Interesting Chinese ‘class’ today as I spent the morning watching a movie.
The English title is ‘Let the Bullets Fly’, Chinese title is 让子弹飞, rang zi dan fei.
But I didn’t just watch it, I WATCHED IT INTENTLY in an effort to follow along and learn a few words. These are the words I picked out: 冤, 公平, 吹, 寡妇, 县长, 可怕, 诛心, 爽快, 麻子, 硬, 穷人, 土匪, 惊喜, 剿匪, 体面.
The story itself was interesting though I didn’t really understand why it was told in such a disjointed manner. Like, Tarantino, but not as elongated. The movie did win a bunch of awards, particularly in China and Asia as a whole so it is well known.
And after watching it? Wow, was I ever TIRED! I guess it was from concentrating so much on reading the subtitles and looking up characters that my brain was just exhausted afterwards.
Overall, I recommend it.
Makes me think I could do this for Russian, too.
Hope Hump Day is good to you!
SSAB – September 9 2021
Morning thunderstorm. Getting cool. It’s like this year’s weather has been pushed ahead by a month.
Didn’t get as much Russian done today but I did print off a practice test for the A1 test. I wanted to go through one or two just to see how much I can get through. May try it tomorrow.
Spent the morning doing some APP research. Looking for an APP that can create quick videos with images. I can do it on my computer but would like something more portable. APPs included AudioLab, n-Track, Dolby On, Yamaha Chord Tracker, Bandlab. AudioLab seems the most usable as can splice mp3s.
Got a massage gun for my birthday! It’s useful for reaching some places that would be otherwise difficult to hit using rollers or other methods.
Another spin around the sun coming up.
Have a great Thursday!
SSAB – September 10 2021
Begin another spin!
Teacher’s Day so wish all of your teachers a good day and a good start of the school year!
Busy enough day. Did some Chinese characters, reviewed Russian vocabulary and some grammar, and started to look at the Elementary Test for the TORFL.
TORFL Elementary Test looks easy enough but then I noticed there were a few words that I’d never seen before but were needed to understand the question. I’ll go through the test another day as I got wrapped up in a few other things during the day.
Afternoon was spent researching Python and Blender projects. I’ve mentioned before that one of the reasons that I wanted to learn Python was because I wanted to create some sort of workflow with it. I also knew that Python could be used in Blender but wasn’t sure how. Now I have a little bit better of an understanding.
You can script in Blender, but it’s mainly for adding certain features such as adding buttons where none currently exist. You can build full-on additions to the project as that’s what a lot of the developers do, but you’ll need to be much more advanced.
One thing I was looking into is if this was also possible with Final Cut Pro but I don’t think it is any more. At one point you could tweak, add or modify elements such as transitions and effects, of Final Cut FX using FX Script. That now seems largely moved over to Motion, a program that doesn’t look to encourage any outside development. All that is to say is that if you want to create your own effects for FCX, then you need to use Apple Motion.
After all that fun was done it was time for my Friday workout and then some lamb skewers from a Xinjiang restaurant not too far away.
Ah, and one last thing: the drums. It seems that I always record some things and then never post them, thinking I’ll finish them… ‘later’. Well, we might get tomorrow but we might not get next year so here is a couple of tracks for you to mark my current progress on the drums. The first, the opening beat, was made with BandLab, the second beat was recorded with Garageband. Have a listen, how am I doing?
Overall, a good day. I hope yours was too!
SSAB – September 13 2021
I realize that Anchor is limiting the sound levels of some of my files so here’s the jam as I had output it:
Quiet weekend… until the end!
Saturday work meant tampered Friday and Saturday, but not Sunday!
Sunday night a bunch of colleagues and friends decided to order a lamb at a famous Xinjiang restaurant chain called Western MaHua. It’s the best place to get any sort of roasted meat. Remember how I said I had skewered meat last week? Turns out it was the same chain! But Sunday night had us go to the flagship restaurant in Dongzhimen area. And it was good to say the least.
I know some people might not like me talking about this stuff and it does seem rather sad that a little lamb gave up its life for us and how disgusting it would be if some alien race served up a human. Kinda disturbing to think about.
… but then I think of the tigers and lions and bears who wouldn’t hesitate to make us dinner if we crossed paths. Maybe that’s not the best equivalent but there are animals who eat other animals.
Anyway, they served massive portions of everything and the dishes kept on coming. I was surprised that they were serving Beer since it is a Muslim establishment but, I guess if you’re working in Beijing, there might be more options.
And that was all well and good and we all responsibly had a few beers, ate our fill, then some went home, others went to play pool, and I hopped on my bike to go home, too.
Then I got a message from another friend, ya wanna do shots?
Not really but the evening was young and we hadn’t seen each for a while so off I went.
Well, some street drinking later we hobble over to his place to jam. Turns out he has a guitar that was used by BB King as a practice instrument. So that just spiralled everything out of control and we got jamming and recording. The result is what you heard at the beginning of today’s Episode.
So it was a quiet weekend literally right up until the end of it and then it went off the rails.
With that, so ends the weekend and now starts a new week and another year. This one has got to count because soon I’ll have to check a different age box!
Ah, and one other surprise this weekend was the discovery of chocolate Moon Cakes! I’ve been looking for these things for years and only now found them at Wedome, one of the pastry chain shops here in China. $2 per piece, they seemed to be almost completely sold out!
Hope your weekend was good. I’ll leave you with the sound of how my weekend ended after the jam session. Enjoy!
SSAB – September 14 2021
Python in Blender?
Game development?
Unity and Unreal?!
All free?
A Chinese movie watch list!
Turns out the Python coding for Blender is a little bit different than your regular Python coding. Obviously it’s the same language but the modules called and how they’re implemented aren’t covered in other courses, as far as I can tell. But it can be implemented and extend the functionality of Blender, which is neat to see.
Interesting concept: build a game in 48 hours.
The competiton is called Ludum Dare and there are several videos online about it. I watched one in which the guy did the modelling in Blender and then exported the models to Unity to make the actual game. It’s not a full fledge game, more of a concept first, then you can build it out after if you want. Sounds like a fun idea. How would I even get into that?
Turns out I’d have to learn more about game dev especially the programs used for it, notably Unity and Unreal Engine. My first thought is ‘Not another thing to learn!’ But then after watching some videos, all of these programs are sharing a lot of characteristics. Python, open source, lots of tutorials online, wide acceptance. Further, all of them can do animation and graphics if needed. So, by learning one, you’re beginning to learn the others.
And finally, I guess I gave myself soke homework. In Chinese class yesterday my teacher gave me a list of movies in Chinese I could find online for free.
周润发 / 天注定 / 南京! 南京 / 孔雀 / 山河故人 / 万箭穿心 / 虎爸虎妈 / 可可西里 / 肖申克的救赎 / 鸟类迁徙 / 地久天长 / 千与千寻 / 李米的猜想 / 疯狂的石头 / 宁浩 / 你好李焕英 / 少年的你 / 无问西东 / 岁月神偷 / 盲山
Not sure if you’d be familiar with any of their English names.
Even outside of China you could probably access APPs like iQiyi, Tencent Video or even Baidu. Have fun practicing your Chinese while watching movies at work!
Have a good Tuesday!
SSAB – September 15 2021
It’s not an age thing, I’m just telling you you’re old.
Thanks Steve!
The growth of electronics! Cyberdogs, Cyber Horses, what’s next, Oh my!
Guess Python isn’t a bad choice to learn after all!
Makes me wonder why more people who want to do business here in China aren’t studying AI, machine learning or even just some programming languages. Seems like the English teachers just want to be teachers again. Am I any different? Is a full on career switch in progress and I’m not even aware of it? Whatever the case may be, I’m not taking any chances so I’ll put the time in just in case.
It does make me think of all the big companies out there that have several divisions to them. You only ever hear about the big divisions but lots of companies have smaller divisions that work on certain projects. Are our lives any different?
Tried to do some soundtracking yesterday and got something done but not what I was expecting. Was playing around with Garageband again and managed to create something using the samples provided. I’m not used to the workflow so it’s holding me back. I’m used to the linear progression of a track rather than the piece by piece assembly that Garageband’s Live Loops features.
Listen to the track at the end of this Episode!
Have a great Wednesday. Don’t work too hard, and if you do, try to enjoy it.
SSAB – September 16 2021
48 hours, one day, six months, is it just me or are the timelines of getting things done shrinking? Is this a bad thing?
We have greater access to information, faster technology, why waste your time doing something one or two hours at a time? Pick a day and commit to it!
Alright, that sounds a lot more optimistic than I know is possible. The reason being is because the amount of research and study that it takes to be able to sit down requires many one or two hour days figuring out just what to figure out. Ie, what should I learn and how do I go about implementing it?
This thinking came around because I’m sitting here in the middle of September with only another month until the supposed completion of my 100 Days of Python Code and I’ve only scratched the surface. So, what do I do? Do I extend the challenge, do I ‘Give up’ as it were on the challenge, or do I expedited it somehow?
Well I may be in luck because my annual vacation is starting this weekend. Work is slow anyway so it’s not like I’ll be missing anything. This, if there ever was a time, would be it to complete such a challenge.
What’s the idea?
The idea is to bang through the Udemy courses I bought, foregoing my language studies for a day or two so I can complete the courses over a very short period of time. I want these completed, I know there is only so much they can teach me before I’d have to strike out on my own, and they all have solutions so if I get stuck I can still watch the projects be constructed and get something from it.
Watched 可可西里, translated as Mountain Patrol in English. Released 2004, it’s based on the true story of a Beijing journalist who goes out to Tibet to follow a volunteer group of Mountain Patrols. Yea, mountain patrols in Tibet. It’s not like the area is that well developed so it would be a challenge.
Turns out the patrol group is tracking down poachers from other provinces who are killing massive groups of antelopes for their horns and furs. Clocking in at 90 minutes (I complained to my teacher that two hours is too long, especially when you have to take time to look up some words), I knew I could get the movie done in a reasonable amount of time.
Words learned: 唵嘛呢叭咪吽, 保重, 枪手, 产羔, 上缴, 违法, 抓, 跟上, 脚印
Have a great Thursday!
SSAB – September 17 2021
Work all day, no Chinese, watched a video using objects made in Blender and then imported into Unity.
Had a workout partner today, I don’t normally, and was asked why I study so much.
A few reasons.
Lack of trust a company will keep me around for a long time. I just don’t. I also don’t go looking for those places. ESL contracts are only ever one year and it doesn’t look like I’m leaving this industry just yet.
To keep my mind active. I do like to have things to think about.
To have something to show for my time, not just sit around and drink.
To distract myself from drinking!
I have a variety of interests and just can’t help myself to at least take a look. It’s even easier now with the development of technology to do so many different things at the same time.
My Dad used to be very busy too, work, taking care of five kids, fixing cars, etc. Fixing cars was his way of making something real, tangible. Lots of the creative arts is in the head, at some point you have to publish.
One month of vacation STARTS! I’ve got so many plans! How many will get done?!
Have a great weekend! Here’s a clip of Beijing at night!
SSAB – September 20 2021
USA publishes lots of books about the future and what tech we will see. You don’t see that in China. Or am I not seeing it because of my lack of language abilities?
Brain wash room, Red room with posters all around it outlining the duties of a good Party Member. What does it take to join the Party? Need to pass a series of tests, it’s okay if you’ve studied abroad.
Found a good podcast to listen to in Chinese, slow, relevant. (Du Yu Has Something to Say, 杜宇有说话).
Saturday was the air defense siren, could barely hear it. Was outside the 5th ring road
Tims changed the cream cheese they use. It’s cheaper quality and has more of a texture like soft butter than cheese. That’s the second change they’ve made since they opened, the other being getting rid of the chocolate cake donuts. Losing my desire to go there.
Have a good start of week!
SSAB – September 21, 2021
Aaaarrrooooooo it’s a full moooon! It’s officially the middle of autumn according to the Lunar Calendar. Big moon, managed to get a pic with the phone. Amazing quality given how tiny the cameras are!
Problem uploading yesterday, Anchor has a MB limit of 250. Since I went on and on more than usual, the WAV file wouldn’t process. So, it’s one day late.
Nice day today, blue skies. Burgerfest 2021 is on but it’s really far away near Langyuan Station in Northeast Beijing so I’ll skip this year’s. Got a bit of a rain track for you to sleep through.
Got through about two days’ worth of Python tutorials. I see now why I couldn’t have done this before. The idea of studying for only two hours a day is good if you’re brand new to programming in general. But if you have some knowledge then you might find you’re dwelling on the simpler stuff instead of speeding through it to get to the more interesting stuff.
Anyway, today, I went through randomization, including making lists within lists and appending them in an effort to create a password generator. Then onto for loops that included the apparently famous FizzBuzz loop in which any number divisible by 3 gets Fizz while numbers divisible by 5 get Buzz, all the way from 1 to 100.
I’m trying my best to get through as much of it as quickly as possible. One lady I work with said I could probably get through the whole course in a day if I really tried. But I’m taking my time and typing out everything. Though I’m not aiming to become an expert, I do want to make sure I gain a better familiarity with the language.
The big difference between a programming language and a human language is that you can post your code on a website, receive feedback and corrections, then implement that exact code over and over again. You can’t do that with a human language.
Still continuing with Chinese every morning, 20-30 minutes of HSK 5 characters. I’m on Chapter 9 in Memrise and the goal is to get through all 36 chapters before the end of my annual vacay. I now see that that may be very difficult to do!
Hope Tuesday is treating you well and you get to try some Moon Cakes.
SSAB – September 22, 2021
Tuna and pasta for dinner! Protein and carbs! Add some Lao Gan Ma (famous Chinese spice oil) and it’s good enough.
Have another podcast interview set up for this weekend. Some more China expats, creative types! Will let you know more as the show gets recorded. If you’re on Instagram, you can follow a dedicated Instagram page for the podcast. I sometimes post some behind the scenes stuff there in addition to overviews of the interviews.
Crushing the Chinese studies in the morning. Up, walk, vocab! Can’t say that I really look forward to it but I do like the idea of getting through all of the units in the next month. Then I can focus more on the grammar constructions in the lead up to the test some time in early 2022. Good plan, we’ll see how it unfolds as I haven’t even looked at the second book yet. Not sure when I will get around to that.
And then onto Python. I’m currently working through Day 8, the Caesar Cipher, after finishing the Hangman challenge. The Hangman challenge was neat to go through because of the all of the little parts you don’t think about throughout the game: visual representation of the hangman (ascii art), clearing the screen after every guess, counting the length of the randomly selected word and then displaying enough blank spaces on the screen as a clue to the player.
So far things are going strong. Looking at the challenges over the next few lessons, I think it might be reasonable to expect to get up to Day 25 or so by the time the National Day break happens.
All this Pythoning is meaning that I’m not getting to Blender or other projects. That’s fine as I’d like to get as much of this course completed if only to justify its cost!
Hope Wednesday is going well!
SSAB – September 23 2021
More Chinese characters! Up to Lesson 10! Getting close to the end of the list I should already know!. Did some listening, reading, funny bit in the comic in that several types of zong zi, jiao zi, and you tiao argue about which one is more authentic. Is it the bamboo-wrapped or plastic-wrapped? Egg or garlic meat? To dip or not to dip your youtiao into the soybean drink? Such questions!
Watched another movie today: The Story of Qiuju based on the novella by Yuan Bin Chen, called “The Wan Family’s Lawsuit”. If you want to see what China was like thirty years ago, back in 1992, then this is the movie for you. This film offers a glimpse of the people, their way of life, both in the city and village, that would be hard to find these days. The story concerns a pregnant lady from a village whose husband gets his gonads kicked by the village chief.
She goes on a quest to seek justice, applying to several levels of government to obtain an apology from the village chief. I suppose he could have ended the dispute quickly had he not thrown the first offer of money on the ground and told her to bow to him like a dog. Instead, she goes up the governmental food chain and, eventually, once she gives birth, the situation is resolved.
This one was subtitled so it was easier to follow along but I can say that it does belong in one of those “talking heads” movies as a lot of the info about the story is in what the characters are saying to each other. The soundtrack is the same throughout, and it is comical how she consistently makes the journey first to the village, city, then Beijing, on her quest for justice. The characters spoke in a dialect so it wasn’t always easy to figure out what they were saying but the subtitles were in standard Mandarin. Words learned: 兽医,理,说法了,只准载货,笔〔筆〕代,调解,干部,新潮发屋(髮),差错,产科。
Lead actress, Gong Li, is rather famous and has appeared in several movies that have been popular in the West, notably Memoirs of a Geisha, but was also the lead in the movie adaptation of Red Sorghum.
Python: Completed rest of Day 8 and started Day 9. With Chinese class today, had to take a break to review before class. Now working on dictionaries. Got thinking about a Chinese version of hangman in which the user has to guess the character based on the hints given about the strokes that make up the character. Neat idea, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t anything already like that.
Hope Thursday is going well for you!
SSAB – September 24 2021
Rained in the morning and then for most of the day.
Drilling drilling drilling… why does every construction project have a drill? Never a hammer, never anything else. Just drilling. Or maybe that’s just what I hear from the construction and they do in fact have other tools up there. Anyway, I hope it doesn’t interfere with our recording tomorrow. If it did, it would only affect my audio, not the other side.
Got through most of the words for Chapter 10 in my HSK 5 studies. Reading is getting easier, so I’m happy with that progress. I have been wondering about my pronunciation and I did find some recordings from a few years back. They honestly make me cringe. I never intended to publish them so I didn’t put too much effort into them. I do remember practicing them once or twice prior to recording but, uh, in re-listening to these files, I don’t think I practiced enough! Ick!
Hitting a wall with Python! Ha! Trying to blitz my way through the classes is tough and I found myself drowsy this morning. Maybe it’s the Pop Tarts, maybe it’s the change of weather, or maybe it’s just going slow and I still have another 90 days’ worth of content to go through. It’s a lot to take in.
Today (Day 9) was nesting dictionaries for a secret auction program, including adding different keys and values to those dictionaries.
And then we also covered creating functions that can produce an output in addition to accepting input from more complicated code strings (Day 10). Neat, but I can see and feel myself getting a little bit lost here. I’m wondering where I’d ever use this information.
Also introduced while loops that govern the entire program, ie, setting a value to True or False and then running the program until it changes value due to user input. And then recursion, which is calling a function that returns nothing and outputs nothing, which would be part of the while loop that keeps going until the user indicates they want to exit the program.
In an effort to help with the programming, I started watching Silicon Valley! Takes some effort to think back what the tech world was like back in 2014!
Looking at tickets to Chengdu. Could I take the train? For 28 hours? Only $50! Round trip flights would cost $130 or so. We’ll see how committed I am to this.
Hope you have a great end of week!
SSAB – September 27, 2021

Episode 27 recorded! Look for it up in the next few days! Instagram @stevensirskipodcast for complete list of shows to date!
New blog post up!
Watching Kuaishou to learn 口语的话? Spoken Chinese? And accents? Could I start a channel?
Finished the comic book! Kwai Boo 18 done! Took four years! Back to reading fitness magazine. Chinese classes have been moved to Thursday, which I think is a better fit.
The Plane Crash… is there ever a good time to watch a documentary on plane crashes?
Hope you’re having a good start of week!
SSAB – September 28, 2021
BIRDS! Have a sound clip, I think it’s of a group of Kingfishers, some pigeons and sparrows, all making a racket in the trees.
Are people heading out for National Day break already? Seems rather quiet.
Skipping rope is now a subject to be studied, how many skips can you do in a minute? Since it’s not a core subject it can be taught privately. Govt wants to get people into shape and not playing video games, this is part of that effort. Parents have to video their kid and then send the video to the teachers as proof.
Programming #FAIL as I could barely string together a few lines of code to access a value in a dictionary. At least I got some of the program breakdown correct!
Have a good day!
SSAB – September 29, 2021
Kuaishou, Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok), or Bilibili? Which one would you choose? There are some differences, but all provide similar types of short video content. Anyone actually use Snapchat for something useful? Even the dramas available on Kuaishou put Snapchat to shame.
Python progress as I’ve started working with Object Oriented Programming aaaaand…. the Turtle! Got that working after a bit of mess around with PyCharm package installations.
SSP Episode 27 is literally in the works but I’ll delay it another day to give myself some fresh eyes and ears tomorrow. I’ve attached two clips to today’s Episode for you to preview.
Have a good middle of the week!
SSAB – September 30, 2021
Episode 27 is done, up and posted on my website Take a look, have a listen, with the New Age of Decay! Two clips on this audio blog Episode.
Spent FOUR HOURS in contact with the Chinese language today, sounds like a lot, right? 30 min vocabulary, 30 min short video, 30 min reading, 90 min movie (watched Red Sorghum), 60 min classssssss! The good thing is that my head didn’t feel tired, I only moved on because I was feeling the need to continue with my Python studies.
Python… working with the TURTLE function. Having fun with it and is a lot more interesting than the text-based input/output stuff we’ve been working on for the first 15 days.
National Day Golden Week start tomorrow, October 1st, seven days off in a row! 72 years of New China… a country that a lot of people will tell you has 5,000 years of history.
Hope Thursday is good to you!