Jamuary 18, 2021 – Start with the Chorus – It’s over

This one was fun and was originally a lot more vulgar than the current version.

This is another jingle that’s been floating around my head for a long time, years, in fact. It’s typically something I think and sing at the end of the work week. I don’t even know when it first entered my head but it’s been a long time.

The track is comprised of two layers: the lead vocals and then a second “hum” or “instrumental” track. As per usual, I didn’t use a click track to record but I was tapping the rhythm while singing. Since it’s vocalizations I’ve found that these are able to withstand slight variations in tempo compared to other instruments, such as the drums.

I’ve also found that one of the reasons I don’t record with a click track is because I never know what the tempo is going to be when I start. For many of these tracks I simply start and then work around what is recording. There have been a few times that I’ve recorded multiple tracks and then had to go back and re-do the whole thing because the original “scratch” track had some slight deviations in timing.

This track also required me to rewrite the lyrics a few times. Here they are mostly as they are sung, though there may be slight variations here and there.

It’s all over
Thankfully over

Although I’d like to stay
And hear what you have to say
I’m afraid the time has come
When I have to say we’re done
I’ve heard it all before
There’s nothing left to explore
There’s just one thing
That I have to sing

That it’s

So fully over
Thankfully over

We can part our ways
And keep the good memories
We’ll be in touch
I know that much
That though it’s done for today
You’ll still have your own way
But for me right now

It’s over
For now it’s over

I’m afraid I have to stop you there
It’s time to let the air clear
I know it wasn’t true
It’s not only you
But there’re only so many times
That I can ask why
Now the time is up
The doors will shut
The day is done
And I gotta run

Cause it’s

It’s all over
Thankfully over

So fully over
Thankfully over.

If you were to say that my lyrics are rather simple I wouldn’t be able to disagree. I still like the arhythmic singing but rhyming texts so I don’t try to fight that. Further, since I have very little clue on how to match my voice to an instrument usually I have to pick one or the other, so I work with what I’ve got. Sometimes the voice is just easier and faster to work with.

Here’s the project:

Jamuary 18, 2021 - Start with the Chorus - It's over - MIXER
Jamuary 18, 2021 – Start with the Chorus – It’s over – MIXER.
Jamuary 18, 2021 - Start with the Chorus - It's over - TRACKS
Jamuary 18, 2021 – Start with the Chorus – It’s over – TRACKS.

I routed each track through a separate bus for the Expansion and Compression plugins. I noticed last time I used buses that my computer’s fans were spinning quite a bit and it was heating up. I know there are things to consider when using plugins and buses but I haven’t really gotten that far in my understanding of how to make Logic run any faster. I am concerned about bussing insofar as it adds to any wear and tear on my machine.

Why didn’t I add any instruments?

I was going to but, since the main track is so quiet on its own, a gentle, whisper-like instrument track seemed a better fit rather than trying to replicate what I could hear in my head with digital instruments. Using my voice was simply the easiest and most expedient thing to do.

So that’s 18 days of tracking so far this month. Not bad though I can say I’m starting to feel a bit of a drag with this project. It might help to switch things up and get the track done earlier in the day rather than wait until later. As it stands, I don’t get to the track until about 5 pm or so and then spend the whole evening piecing it together. I’m often not finishing until 11.30pm or so so already my bedtime schedule is a bit wrecked because of this project. I’m not too bothered by it, as long as I’m being productive, but, yea, I’m starting to think what “normal” life would be like again.

And on a very sad note, I left my GoPro attached to the share bike I was using on Friday night and so that’s gone off to someone else’s home. It’s too bad because there was at least one set of videos from this Jamuary project on there that I wouldn’t mind having. Not much I can do except hope someone turns it in. Take care of your valuables!



