I wanted to make a quick post to wish Canadians and Canada a Happy Canada Day! Travelling has made me appreciate where I was born: Canada.
Canada is a great country.
Sometimes I forget what Canada stands for, and I hope continues to stand for. Not just gorgeous scenery but FREEDOM. Some of the things I took for granted in Canada are simply not available to many people around the world: clean drinking water, a PASSPORT that is accepted just about everywhere, police that you can trust, a functioning legal system, the right to voice your opinion, freedom and opportunity. I understand that each of the things I’ve mentioned ( or haven’t mentioned) have their own problems, but to see how other folks live around the world is a humbling experience.
Canada is my homeland.
To think that some half century ago my grandparents made the decision to move abroad. Apparently they had plans to return but never did. I remember talking to another backpacker about ex-pats who return to live in their home countries. Canadians, apparently, are most often the ones who say they will move back to Canada. And damn right! As much as I love travelling, Canada is home.
So to all Canadians abroad and to Canadians living in the great country of Canada, I wish you a Happy Canada Day. Enjoy this day and remember that the country you call home is truly one of the greatest countries in the world.
Lastly, as a little tribute to all the great Canadian music out there, I’m developing a little Canadian music playlist on MySpace.