Category: Work and Travel

  • Some Uncommon Jobs Abroad

    So far I’ve covered some common jobs abroad in two articles, one here and the other here. In this post, however, I want to cover some uncommon jobs abroad. You don’t find these ones talked about too much, well, except maybe consultancy, but it seems everybody is a consultant these days. One thing that my…

  • More Common Jobs Abroad

    As a follow up to my last post on some common jobs abroad, now we enter into some common jobs abroad that I, personally, have not done but have met folks who have. For me, I’ve noticed that the jobs below and the people who work them have certain dispositions that go well together, in…

  • Some Common Jobs to Work and Travel the World

    “You must be rich.” I hear it a lot, friends, family, other people I meet while travelling. I’ve actually started to dread talking about how much I travel because everyone wants to know how I do it. Well, contrary to popular belief and like many people in the world, I work. With this post I…
