Category: Jamuary 2021

  • Jamuary 9, 2021 – Long Pauses – A long way from where I was born

    Jamuary 9, 2021 – Long Pauses – A long way from where I was born

    I’m a little bit proud of this track as it came together quite easily. Long pauses.  My first thought was to use Ancient Greek musical fragments as those were chock full of long pauses, mostly due to their fragmentary nature. (There are some folks who have tried to reconstruct those sounds with some success.) But,…

  • Jamuary: A culmination of a series of successes and failures

    Jamuary: A culmination of a series of successes and failures

    I have never really considered myself a song writer though I have always said I’m a drummer and percussionist. Even then, when I refer to myself as a “percussionist”, I’m not saying I could play in an ensemble or orchestra, rather, I’m willing to make sounds and “music” by hitting things. This sits on the…

  • Jamuary 8, 2021 – Sad Song Major Key – The day my hard drive died

    Jamuary 8, 2021 – Sad Song Major Key – The day my hard drive died

    This one was fun even though I didn’t really know how it was going to turn out. Today’s challenge was to create a sad song in a major key. Why is this a challenge? Because major keys are typically associated with “happy” or “uplifting” melodies, many of which are played in a major scale. Now,…

  • Jamuary 7, 2021 – Make a Sample

    Jamuary 7, 2021 – Make a Sample

    Well damn. If there was something I thought would be easier than it seems, it’s making a sample. Have a listen to my finished product: That took me about six hours to figure out. Why that long? First, I’ve never really programmed a sample before. Second, I’ve never used Logic Pro to program samples before.…

  • Jamuary 6, 2021 – Polyrhythm – Hand Claps and Stamps

    Jamuary 6, 2021 – Polyrhythm – Hand Claps and Stamps

    Another simple, straight-forward, use-what-I-have-and-know, beat, this one is titled “Hands Claps and Stamps” because that’s what makes up the track. I feel like I’m cheating a little bit on this track (again) because it’s very similar to the very first track I did on January 1. Further, years ago I recorded an album’s worth of…
