Category: Jamuary 2021

  • Jamuary 14, 2021 – Arpeggiate – Nine Nails an Inch

    Jamuary 14, 2021 – Arpeggiate – Nine Nails an Inch

    Arpeggiate. Never really knew what that meant until today. Basically, to arpeggiate a note is to run up the scale from its starting note. That is to say, if you start at C, then you run up a scale starting from C, be it Major or Minor. Since each scale has eight notes in it,…

  • Jamuary 13, 2021 – Phygrian – A sound from the past

    Jamuary 13, 2021 – Phygrian – A sound from the past

    Would you consider marble to be a type of a harddrive? What about an old mp3 player? Well, in one way, it is. And that’s where today’s challenge is derived from. Today’s challenge was completed by assembling two separate marble inscriptions from Ancient Greece. Why Ancient Greece? Because of the Phrygian mode, which is what…

  • Jamuary 12, 2021 – Pachebel’s Canon – World Instruments

    Jamuary 12, 2021 – Pachebel’s Canon – World Instruments

    This one was fun. Today’s challenge was “Pachebel’s Canon”. You more than likely know the song as it’s played at just about every wedding these days, or least a good number of them. So, the obvious question to this version would be: what would be different? As you can tell, I took some leeway with…

  • Jamuary 11, 2021 – Hand Claps

    Jamuary 11, 2021 – Hand Claps

    This one was supposed to be easy and, to an extent, it was. However, There were many times I tried overcomplicating what should’ve been a straight ahead track. Today’s challenge was to utilize only claps and clapping, which seemed simple enough given my percussion background. Not only that, but I’ve toyed around with these sounds…

  • Jamuary 10, 2021 – A cappella – Baroom

    Jamuary 10, 2021 – A cappella – Baroom

    Today’s track is another melody that has been bouncing around in my head for a while but I’ve never committed to it. Today I did. Today’s challenge was “A cappella” which is normally at least a gorup of people using only their voices. Now, to me, that sounds like beat boxing by another name, as…
