Category: Jamuary 2021

  • Jamuary 2021 Full Track Listing

    Jamuary 2021 Full Track Listing

    Here is the full track listing of the songs and tracks I made for Jamuary 2021. Click the link to find the associated blog post and audio file for download. I’ve listed all of the blog posts in the order that they were published over the month. The few articles without an exact date in…

  • The end of Jamuary and the beginning of Finish February

    The end of Jamuary and the beginning of Finish February

    Me: That’s alright, just publish it and leave it for Finish February. Friend: That’s not a thing, is it? Me: Yup! 70-20-10. Those numbers stuck in my mind for the whole of Jamuary 2021 and it was with those numbers in mind that I was able to publish a song each and every day in…

  • Jamuary 31, 2021 – Fav Band – Good Fkn Night!

    Jamuary 31, 2021 – Fav Band – Good Fkn Night!

    This one was fun and took a little thinking about how to go about completing. I think it’s a fitting end to the Jamuary Song a Day challenge. I’ll write more later! Today’s challenge was “Your Fav Band” which, for many years, has been Guns N’ Roses. I’ve seen them quite a few times and…

  • Jamuary 30, 2021 – 5/4 – Bass and drums rhythm

    Jamuary 30, 2021 – 5/4 – Bass and drums rhythm

    I’ll have to revisit this one as it gave me a bit of a headache trying to get down properly. The idea is there but I’m battling a bit of a head cold so it’s difficult to think through where the song should go. Here’s a sample:

  • Jamuary 29, 2021 – 60 bpm – Slow Jam

    Jamuary 29, 2021 – 60 bpm – Slow Jam

    This one started out easy enough but then took much longer than I expected. It’s a little bit of the same, but a little bit different from what I’ve done before. Will post more about it soon!
