Category: Cambodia

  • Day 5: April 8th, 2010 – Teaching English and African Health Advice

    Good day today. Played with the kids in the morning. I actually taught a class in the afternoon, too! A full 1 hour and 30 minutes. These kids are super smart. They knew a lot of animals, colours, numbers, the alphabet, descriptions, languages, and countries. The kids loved my lesson on languages of the world.…

  • Day 4: April 7th, 2010 – First Day at SFODA

    Woke up early today, ca. 4 am, with some nightmares about Cambodian ghosts. I think it had something to do with visiting the Killing Fields and S-21 on Monday. It all started when I had to take a piss and had to use my iPod as a flashlight. Imagine how freaky it would be to…

  • Day 3: April 6th, 2010 – Orientation Day

    Orientation day. Learned a lot about Cambodian history, especially the recent political struggle. Volunteer Action for Cambodia had a presentation for us and answered a lot of questions dealing with the situation in Cambodia, both past and present. Went on tour through city, saw a lot of the same stuff from yesterday. Found some cool…

  • Day 2: April 5th, 2010 – TAT Guesthouse, Phenom Penh, Cambodia

    Did a lot today. Met a guy named Kevin from Florida, USA. He’s a fellow volunteer with IVHQ. Also met Matt. Kev and I saw most of the main sights of the city today: S-21 (an elementary school that was turned into a prison), the Killing Fields (where the people from S-21 went to be…

  • Day 1: April 4th, 2010 – Bangkok, Thailand to Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Eating pad Thai at the Cambodian-Thai border. It dawned on me that the more you travel, the more you begin to understand how other people view the world. For example, using chop sticks. Every time I use chopsticks, some Asian invariably compliments me. But would we compliment them on using a fork and knife? Probably not.…
