Tag: horilka

  • Drinks and Drinking Abroad

    Drinks and Drinking Abroad

    Here are some posts about drinks and drinking abroad. You’ll see it’s mainly about coffee and alcohol. Please drink responsibly. Coffee and Coffee Shops in Asia 3 More Places in Southeast Asia for Coffee Coffee and Coffee Shops in Poland and Ukraine Polish Vodka Part 1: Polish Vodka, Part 1: Procedures and Protocols Polish Vodka…

  • Ukrainian Horilka Part 2: The Contenders

    Ukrainian Horilka Part 2: The Contenders

    After reading through the procedures and protocols for serving, enjoying and understanding where horilka came from, I now present to you my research on the Ukrainian cultural drink, horilka, more commonly known as vodka. Forgive me for not writing down what these horilkas were made of. Some of them are made with honey and pepper,…

  • Ukrainian Horilka Part 1: History, Procedures and Protocols

    Ukrainian Horilka Part 1: History, Procedures and Protocols

    Horilka: a fermented liquor made from wheat, potatoes, honey and sometimes shoe laces (at least it seems like it.) It’s no secret, I enjoy a good drink or two, much to everybody’s dismay. One friend even told me, “Steve, when you drink you don’t need condoms cause you ain’t getting laid anyway.” Whatever that means.…
